WTF Am I Doing?

I know you all are suffering from withdrawal after not having heard from me in DAYS! But there's a couple of reasons. First, and foremost, I've been wrestling with a major ongoing case of drag-ass. What's drag-ass you ask? Surely you jest! That's when your ass is dragging throughout the day and there is no energy for even the simplest things. Its when moving feels as if you have lead weights attached to your limbs and you're running through water. There's also a mental fatigue that usually accompanies it. A brain fog if you will. Imagine if you knew nothing about advanced theoretical physics. I know, this is going to be a stretch for some of you because honestly, EVERYONE knows advanced theoretical physics. But just pretend with me for a minute. What if someone said in a week you needed to take an 82 page exam and get a score of no less than a 97.2% or you would die? You'd study pretty hard. All night and all day. I mean, you can sleep after, right? At the end of a week, with no sleep and an accompanying mental fatigue you would be moving like sludge. That's the drag-ass fatigue of fibro.
Secondly, I've been trying to promote the blog, so that more of the general population can be exposed to the mania that is my daily life. Except, as previously noted, I have no idea what I'm doing. When I first mentioned that, I'm sure you thought I was exaggerating. Nope. And trying to figure it out with a full on brain fog? It really is laugh out loud funny. I read an article. Terms are used that mean nothing to me. I open another window to research the term. Where more terms are used that I don't understand. More windows are opened. More terms are used. More windows. Terms. Windows. Terms. Windows. Agghhh!!! It's a vicious circle. All the while, my stats page shows zero followers. I know its not true. People are signed up for email, they +1 on Google. They run into me and quote lines from my latest post. Still the number shows zero. It messes with my OCD. It taunts me. Relentlessly. Zero.
They even highlight it in blue, those snarky bastards. Most people would think, "Hey 776 pageviews for a blog that's 3 weeks old isn't bad." Well, I think we know I can't claim to be like most people. I am heartened by the fact that my random musings seem to be spreading throughout the world, much like a flesh eating virus.
But let's keep this virus spreading, shall we? We'll need a means of communicating in case the impending zombie apocalypse manifests itself. So sign up for email updates (Don't worry, I wont spam you with my favorite cookie recipes.) Share with your friends. Share with your enemies. Tweet it. Share it on Facebook. And if anybody knows how to get rid of the bleeping blue zero, please leave your comments on this post! Thank you, and good night.


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