What's a sit up?

Today, I learned the true definition of love. Not that Romeo and Juliet crap my daughter has recently tried selling us all on. I'm talking hard-core, unconditional love. You know, like the kind a mother has for her child. You may recall I told you my youngest was going to be playing Pop Warner football in the fall? Well starting in August he begins strength and conditioning. In his previous sporting endeavors, he's been more interested in the playing side than the practice and drill sessions. My older son is the opposite; complaining if he doesn't get a balance of play time and practice/coaching time. In an effort to try and make this sport work for him, I've come to realize that he will need to be comfortable with the sheer physicality that will be required for him to get through August. So today, I started training with him. Actually, training may be an overly generous term for our sessions. Having no real idea what his "strength and conditioning" might act...