The Making of Frankenstein

For those of you who follow regularly, you'll be surprised to discover that this post is about Winnie. I know, I know; I hardly ever talk about her. It seems oddly fitting that the member of the family who seems to require the most attention daily should develop her own online following. This blog was never meant to be about her daily antics, and yet it seems to be evolving that way, with other random posts thrown in for good measure.
So as previously stated in other posts, Winnie likes to watch the hummingbirds. And she thinks she's a husky. And she likes to spend many of her waking hours at my side. So I suppose we really all should have seen this coming. With the nice weather, I've been trying to spend as much time as humanly possible outside. Since my vitamin D levels are always so low, I like to say it's doctor ordered. "Sorry, I want to clean the house today, but it's nice out. I should hang out on the patio and sunbathe. Doctor's orders." " Grocery shopping? Eh, sounds like an indoor activity. I'm really supposed to be outdoors." Anything that's really worth doing can be done outdoors. Wolf is also an avid supporter of this idea. He loves to sit on the patio and feel the wind blow through his hair. (If he would ever stop being such a big fat baby and let someone brush his hair, the wind might blow through it even better, but he'll not be convinced of this simple fact, thank you).
 So just for fun the other day, we hooked Winnie up to her ferret harness (yes, a ferret harness. We needed a harness small enough for her and at the time, it was all we could find. Plus, she bears an uncanny resemblance to a ferret) and took her outside. She had been outside one previous time. She high stepped through the grass, took a couple of sniffs, and decided the great outdoors was not for her. We should have left it alone. She spent so much time by the back door, we thought we'd be teaching her a lesson. "See? There's nothing interesting out there." Not surprisingly, she taught us. Whatever her initial objections to the great outdoors were, she seems to have gotten over them. She still high steps in the grass. It's a riot to watch. Dandelions are an endless source of wonder and fascination. Bugs? Those are just nature's candies and Winnie is a fearless hunter in the jungle of our backyard. (Before you even ask, she has always had flea and tick treatments. Just because she doesn't go out, doesn't mean that Wolf wouldn't bring creatures to her).

The newly created problem is, that despite Winnie's self supposed street cred, she is an indoor cat. And will remain such. Which sets us up for our new dance called "oooh-I-hear-the-door-I-bet-I-can-get-outside-faster-than-you-can-block-me!" She can magically appear from anywhere in the house to outside the back door in a nanosecond. Yet she still can't catch a fly. I'm not judging, I'm just stating a fact. This game is made exponentially more fun based on the number of items you are juggling in your hands trying to get in or out. A glass of wine = 1 fun point. An entire weeks' worth of groceries? Jackpot! So far the initial shock of winning each round has led her to pause at the backdoor unmoving, as if she can't believe she's won. I'm waiting for the day when it's 1 o'clock in the morning and Wolf goes out for his final pee of the night. I easily envision the components of this game stretching to include me in my pajamas running around in the pitch dark after this fool only to find her cozied up with Wolf's friend the skunk. Because really, that's the only logical conclusion I can see this coming to. And when it does my friends, it doesn't matter where you live. You'll easily hear the end of that story from your livingrooms!


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