No Soup For You!
So I'm back to my all time favorite task since starting this blog: researching what I'm doing. Throughout my studies one fact becomes glaringly more obvious with every article I read. I have created a Seinfeld blog. That's right. A blog about nothing. Nothing I tell you. All of the information out there tells you how to promote your business through your blog. I have no business. My blog is simply to entertain you all. I'm like a bard. Or perhaps more accurately, a court jester. I'm not trying to promote my fortune 500 company or show off a new product we've just developed here at headquarters. I'm certainly not trying to educate anyone. In fact, I'd like to add a disclaimer here that if you have learned anything, it was purely accidental and not intended. Furthermore, it might be best if you attempt to unlearn anything you accidentally did learn in the reading of said non educational posts.
These professionals suggest informative graphics, guest speakers and panels of experts. What experts would I call upon? I literally have articles - plural - about shit. I've tried not to include colored pictures and informative graphs for those posts. Apparently I should be linking back to specialists to provide you all with more research on the topic. I should ask compelling questions to engage you and get you to leave your comments here. Or perhaps your own pictures and pie charts. "Tell me about a time you had a similar experience." Let it not be said I didn't listen to the advice on the internet, though. A Pie Chart:
By God, we're looking professional now! The numbers are made up and the information is irrelevant, but that's beside the point.
Another great suggestion offered is word count. It seems I should be shooting for 2,000 or more words to optimize my search engine hits. Really? Do you know how many pages that is? Like, 4. I looked it up. 4 pages of nonsense. The last time I did that was in school when we all learned how to play with fonts to make them look normal, when in actuality we were stretching the pages out. I had a mythology class that I wrote 20 pages on the symbolism found in 2 pages of James Joyce's Finnegan's Wake. I am not going to be attempting those kind of shenanigans in my free time, no matter how much I love you all.
So I guess what we're left with is the knowledge that this blog is just going to be its own thing. It clearly doesn't fit into the mold of the rest of the ones out there according to the self proclaimed experts. As long as it entertains you all though, I'll have met my goal. By all means though, feel free to leave your comments and stories here so as to "engage" with these posts!
These professionals suggest informative graphics, guest speakers and panels of experts. What experts would I call upon? I literally have articles - plural - about shit. I've tried not to include colored pictures and informative graphs for those posts. Apparently I should be linking back to specialists to provide you all with more research on the topic. I should ask compelling questions to engage you and get you to leave your comments here. Or perhaps your own pictures and pie charts. "Tell me about a time you had a similar experience." Let it not be said I didn't listen to the advice on the internet, though. A Pie Chart:
By God, we're looking professional now! The numbers are made up and the information is irrelevant, but that's beside the point.
Another great suggestion offered is word count. It seems I should be shooting for 2,000 or more words to optimize my search engine hits. Really? Do you know how many pages that is? Like, 4. I looked it up. 4 pages of nonsense. The last time I did that was in school when we all learned how to play with fonts to make them look normal, when in actuality we were stretching the pages out. I had a mythology class that I wrote 20 pages on the symbolism found in 2 pages of James Joyce's Finnegan's Wake. I am not going to be attempting those kind of shenanigans in my free time, no matter how much I love you all.
So I guess what we're left with is the knowledge that this blog is just going to be its own thing. It clearly doesn't fit into the mold of the rest of the ones out there according to the self proclaimed experts. As long as it entertains you all though, I'll have met my goal. By all means though, feel free to leave your comments and stories here so as to "engage" with these posts!
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